Friday, February 24, 2012

The Pain is Not in Vain

Assalamualaikum and good evening everyone

Humans are always have their painful memories, events and moments in their life. The pain will actually give colours in our life. It will happen that those things will actually add values and give meanings to our life. As a normal human being, I also could not escape from many kinds of pain in my life.

Maybe it's time for me to reduce nagging and complaining about my life to other people. I should pray and raise my hand to perform du'a to reduce the pain in my heart. Tell Him everything that I feel, what I want from Him, ask Him to make me stronger to face the problems. I already knew that He knows what my heart feels, and what I'm going to say in my du'a, but that doesn't mean that I can just tell him straight away from my heart. Du'a is still essential in order to ask for something beyond your capability, a proper and a formal way I should say although you can whisper it in your heart. Yes, Allah can hear what our heart whispers.

In Surah Qaf (The Letter) in al-Quran (also known as Koran), verse 16 states that;

"It was We Who created man, and We know what dark suggestions his soul makes to him: for We are nearer to him than (his) jugular vein."

So Allah knows every detail about what we're thinking and our heart tells us to do. Whether it is good or bad.

And yet, what we can actually do, despite of all the sadness that we are going through, we must be patient and try to engage the level of 'Sobrun Jamil' which means the highest level of patience. The perfect patience or the most beautiful patience. This is because, Sobrun means patience and Jamil means beautiful.

We can start by saying few words that may motivate us. Say 'Alhamdulillah', which means Praise to God. Be thankful for the slight 'pain'/'test' that He gave. It is only a small thing in our life, and we must be grateful that we have not been tested in heavier tasks. We also must be grateful as the test may change us, and leads us to something that we could have not imagine. Who knows except Allah, right?

Say 'Insya-Allah' which means 'If God Wills it' too. If God (Allah) wills, we can find a way to find a solution for the problem or the sadness. And at the same time, we also must strive very hard to turn things for the better.

"Indeed, Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves."

Verse 11, Surah Ar-Ra'd (The Thunder), Al-Quran (Koran).

So, we already bare in mind that we have to think positive of the pain that Allah gives us in life. You guys can also look into verse 286 in chapter 2, and verse 2 & 3 in chapter 24. These words of God may help to motivate you. It is time to get along with the second 'pain'...

The first pain would be the falling of ourselves in the test. Which includes heartache, physical pain, other people look down at you, etc. For example, you sprained your ankle (physical pain) and been scold for bad attitude (heartache) That would be the first wave. Now, the second wave that maybe more painful, is the effort that we have to put in a consistent way. For the ankle, maybe you need massage sessions and for the bad attitude, you need to change yourself to become a better person.

It is a simple math;
1 pain (1st wave) + 1 pain (2nd wave) = 2 ( Two times the pleasure of success)

The pain that we have to bear and suffer right now doesn't mean we have to face another pain in the future. He gives us the pleasure to taste a bit bitter before he gives you the pleasure of sweetness in the form of success or happiness. Think positively and act wisely starting right now!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

The Story of a Home-Made Ice Cube for a Milo

Assalamualaikum and good morning.

There was a night, which I craved for a good iced Milo to quench my thirst to stay up all night long, waiting for the football match of Liverpool, I guess. So, I looked up in the refrigerator and there was no ice cubes left, so I took a special container in the refrigerator to make an ice cube. I can't make it as ice cubes because there are no partitions in the container to make small and numerous ice cubes. I can only make a huge one and smash it up to small pieces when I want to use it in my drink. So I poured some water in the container and let it became an ice cube in the refrigerator's uppermost compartment. I had already drinking cold drinks at the evening, but I still want the Milo.

Few hours later, I thought the ice cube was ready, so I boiled some water. I took a big mug, put some sweetened condensed milk (susu pekat manis in Malay language) and few spoons of Milo in it. After awhile, I put the new-boiled hot water into the mug and I stir it. Hmmm...The Milo sure tastes good as I take a sip of it. >.<

I was so desperate to drink the iced Milo, so I took the ice cube that I have made, and I look at it with a full of hope that this is the last step of making the iced Milo, and after this I can drink it until the last drop! I took a mortar and smacked the ice cube and it was only then I realised that, only the outer part of it has been frozen, but not inside. The inside of the ice cube remains a cold water, and unfortunately I can use a small amount of ice in my Milo... :(

I thought that few hours of waiting would make the water to freeze and become ice cube, but I was wrong. It took more time than I expected. The same thing goes for our life. We may expect with an effort in such a short while, we can achieve what we have dreamed before. Some things need time. Fruits need time to become ripe, body fats need time and consistency in exercise so that they can be burned out of our body. When we fall asleep, we do need a lot of time before we can wake up in a refreshing moment. People also need some time to mend their broken heart, so that they can realise all the events happened in our life are based on the God's will. We do need time to change ourselves to become more mature everyday in order to face the coming days in our life. Every effort in life must be consistent so that we can achieve a good result, and it may take some time but you must keep it going on and on.

No matter how delicious my Milo became at the first place, the ice cube sure disappoints me a lot because it was not fully frozen yet. So I can only use it a little bit. I choose a big mug to satisfy myself, put a good portion of sweet condensed milk and Milo, but I failed to make it cold due to the incomplete ice cube.
Yeah, we may put a good effort, but in the end, it is He who determined whether the effort is worth enough to get a good ending or not. If you may have a bad result of your effort, you can always try again and if you succeed, don't get too cocky. Don't ever think that when you achieve success, God loves you. And don't ever think that when you have failed, God hates you. It can be that the success is a test given to you, to identify your attitude, whether you will go overboard or not. If it is a failure, it is a test given to you, to identify your determination, whether you keep on trying and change yourself or not. :)

As I smacked the ice cube, I can't see whether the inner part has become frozen completely or not. Some people may look nice on the outside but not in the inside, and vice versa. We always judge people on the outside and make a full comprehensive analysis out of them. I don't say that we can't judge by the outside at all, the physical appearance can be seen, and it can actually reflect his or her attitude. Maybe for the first sight, it is okay to make an overall assumption about the person, but you have to make a progression by become closer to that person. If you don't do that, throw away the assumption and if you heard from your friends about bad things that the person had done, you can't judge him/her recklessly. You can't judge people from other people's judgement. So, not all people who are good looking on the outside (handsome, beautiful, religious-looking, smart) are good in the inside. And not all the people who are not good looking on the outside (ugly, dark complexion, chubby, looks messy, don't look so religious) are not good in the inside. Who knows there are certain things deep inside them that we have not discovered yet~

Now, those are my views about what happened between me and the ice cube. Alhamdulillah it reminds me a lot about life. Wise man says, "Even if there is a mosquito bites you, if you are alert and conscious, you can notice about the lesson that God wants to provide."
May the simple story bring meaningful lessons to me and you guys. Insya-Allah... ^_^

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Long Time No See...Sorry...

Assalamualaikum and good morning.

It has been awhile...I stopped blogging since August 2011 if I'm not mistaken, due to my laziness and I am too busy handling my procrastination. So, I was hoping that with a lil bit of change in my blog will increase my passion in writing. But, it turned to be that it's hard to change the background, and I have to choose one of the backgrounds that the Blogger has provided. It is much easier that way rather than searching for pictures in Google Images, download it to my laptop and then upload it to my blog, because I am a little bit choosy and they're limiting the size of the picture. The maximum size would be 300kb. -.-" you guys can see, I changed the font so that you guys can easily read it. I have lots of comments especially from my friends, saying that it is quite hard to read with the previous font. I made up my mind and I change it, although I have to make few adjustments to some of my guitar-learning posts.

I also need to put labels in this blog so that people can easily search for the related articles, but I am daft and apparently I still don't figure how to make labels. *sigh*

Well that's now from me, and Insya-Allah I will be actively post new things in here. Hope it will new and interesting posts that may give us some benefits. I will try my best not to post lots of stupid and rubbish things in my blog anymore.

Thanks to you guys who keep on reading this inactive blog. See ya later~

I found this picture when I was busy searching for the background picture. Lol. Hopefully I can have the spirit to continue my life just like him. :)