Monday, May 23, 2011

I'm Fired !!!

Assalamulaikum and good morning

It has been a while, yet again. This time I managed to find some time to write for a new entry.
Yeah, indeed.

Oh yeah...I can feel the laser beam right through my heart !

I was working like hell during last month. I didn't have enough time for blogging and as the result, I can feel the weights on my fingers when typing this entry. =.=

I admit that I came late to work, I ditched some hours of work, but then if I got caught, that's just me with the supervisor. On last Friday, 20th of May, I received an Short Message Service (SMS) from my supervisor that it is my last day already. Simply because they said that my time didn't match with theirs. I just asked my supervisor and boss to get back earlier from 21st-23rd of May because I want to help my father in the stall, which sells Bakso. The roadshow for that week requires me to work from 11 a.m. until 10 p.m. and I ask them if I ever get the chance to finish my work at 6 p.m. They said that they will discuss about it later on. Surprisingly, the result is, when I get back from work, I received the SMS. =.=

At first, I can't accept the fact that I've been fired. Well, I got to pay my mom RM600 because I borrowed her money and I have to pay RM1200 for the PS3 because I already deposited RM300 for it...
The salary that I will received is just around RM700 I think and where can I find the remaining money for my mom and PS3?

Now I already accept that I'm jobless and I need to find a new job. I must believe in faith and Allah S.W.T will always beside me to help me out in life, although truth hurts a lot. Maybe He destroys my plan and maybe He wants to replace it with a better one. Who knows right?

The things that I want to focus right now are:
1. The Malaysian Education Inventory Selection (MEdSI) interview on this coming 29th of May (This is regarding my future because I want to be a teacher)

2. How to pay RM1200 to the game shop (Maybe I ask my brother for some money)

3. To settle down RM600 for my mother (I don't want her to be in a deep problem regarding money)

May Allah S.W.T helps me dealing with these problems, and at the same time I must help myself out of these problems.

P.S : No more purple shirt, 6 days a week. Goodbye fellow friends